The Folly of Trump’s Tariffs

Over and over in American history we have tried tariffs to solve economic problems. Over and over tariffs have failed to solve those problems, while creating new ones. Sometimes it takes the passage of years for us to forget how badly tariffs hurt us the last time we tried them. Other times we have a leader who just doesn’t know or care about history and recklessly promotes tariffs to fix an imaginary problem. We have that leader now.

Usually, the U.S. government adopts tariffs for rational reasons. For example, we used tariffs early in our history to protect and encourage domestic manufacturing. But Trump’s proposed tariffs can’t be justified on that ground. He proposes blanket tariffs on all goods from a particular country, not targeted tariffs on goods in industries that need protection.

Some argue that tariffs will reverse the “hollowing out” of American manufacturing. Phil Gramm and Larry Summers, former Senate and Treasury officials who know what they’re talking about, debunk that idea in a January 23, 2025 letter in The Wall Street Journal. They point out that American manufacturing is at an all-time high. We are producing with higher productivity, meaning fewer employees but with higher wages. This is a great strength of the American economy, not a weakness.

Before 1913 when the Sixteenth Amendment established income taxation, tariffs were the main revenue source that funded the government. Our economy then was primitive by today’s standards. Today only 1.9% of our revenues come from tariffs. The U.S. government can tax and borrow with such ease that tariffs are no longer needed. Trump says that tariffs will make us rich, but have you heard any serious figures from the Treasury on the amount tariffs would raise or what spending gaps this revenue would close? Of course not.

Trump’s bizarre threats to use tariffs, and the tariffs he has so far imposed, have no connection to the traditional way tariffs are used. Instead, they are an effort to strongarm the target countries into adopting policies favorable to the U.S. that Trump cannot obtain through normal diplomacy.

So far this has been to force Canada and Mexico to supplement their efforts at the U.S. border to stop immigration and fentanyl. This bullying has not been well received in these two countries. The U.S. national anthem was recently booed by Canadian fans at an NBA game in Toronto. Only time will tell whether roughing up our closest neighbors and two largest trading partners will have lasting negative effects.

In the 1930s the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act turned a recession into a full-blown depression. That legislation placed tariffs averaging 20% on about 20,000 imported goods, including agricultural products.  The goal was to protect American farmers. However, it raised the prices of food and other items. Other countries retaliated with tariff hikes, forcing global trade to decline by 65%.

We have already seen China retaliate for Trump’s imposition of 10% tariffs on goods they export to us. Their tariffs on our goods entering China will mean we will sell less in the huge Chinese market, so our own business income and American jobs will suffer.

American tariffs cause prices to rise here because foreign goods become more expensive. We’re not talking just luxury goods like BMW cars that we can easily avoid buying. Tariffs on Canada, Mexico and China will mean avocados, cherry tomatoes, children’s clothing, toys, electronics and all the other things we consider part of middle-class life will rise in price. Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum warned that “one tariff will be followed by another.” Attention Wal-Mart shoppers! Stuff you like to buy will start getting more expensive.

It will not only be goods from foreign countries that will become more expensive. Experience has shown when a tariff is placed on a foreign item making it more expensive, the price of competing American items also increase because American sellers are able to raise prices and still be less expensive than the tariffed foreign item. You can count on Trump having no plan to stop that sort of thing.

Then there are longer term problems. The Economist magazine explains that tariffs on foreign goods induce American companies to “innovate less and misbehave more.” Sheltered from better run foreign rivals, American firms would have less incentive to produce superior and less expensive products. In a word, they would get lazy.

As he did in his first term, Trump is governing by impulse and chaos. I understand that many folks voted for him because of inflation. But it is unlikely they will see the payoff of lower prices. Instead, Trump’s tariff folly will add to their burden.

Civil Liberty and Football

Lately I have been spending too much time watching football on television. It has helped take my mind off what might happen to civil liberty during the upcoming Trump administration. By civil liberty I mean the kinds of activity that are permitted or outright protected by our Constitution. Between beers – or maybe because of them – I realize that football provides some metaphors for talking about civil liberty in our political moment.

One thing I’ve noticed these days is that Americans don’t get too excited over the loss of civil liberty when it is other people who are losing it. Contrast this with the period in the 1780s when the draft Constitution was being debated in the states. It was all anyone could talk about. And ratification would have been rejected if a bill of individual rights that protected everyone had not been added.

Constitutions set out the fundamental structure for the operation of a society, which in our case includes the rights individuals can enjoy. But none of these rights is absolute. Because our Constitution is a political document, not a sacred text brought down from the mountain, the meaning of a particular provision can change depending on whether it is in the political spotlight, and whose claims to meaning are supported by political power.

So where is the boundary line for the meaning of fundamental rights at any moment? The appropriate football metaphor is “line of scrimmage.” The tug and pull of politics have moved that scrimmage line on civil liberties back and forth over the years. Sometimes this results in a “new” interpretation of the Constitution moving the line in one direction. The recent loss of a woman’s right to choose is an example. At other times powerful political movements result in constitutional amendments moving the line in a different direction. Prohibition and women’s suffrage are examples of this.

Nothing better illustrates the power of politics to determine civil liberty than the right of free speech. The First Amendment unequivocally states that “Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press.” No law means no law, right? Well, no, the whole history of the First Amendment has been one long process of carving out disfavored speech unworthy of protection at a particular moment. Obscenity and hate speech are examples. Politics drives this process.

At the outbreak of World War I, it was a federal crime to say anything that had the natural tendency to cause insubordination or disloyalty in our military forces. Under that law, the socialist Eugene Debs went to prison for praising others who had encouraged refusal to register for the draft. Fast forward to 1968, when the sons and daughters of the middle-class were in the streets protesting the Viet Nam war. Then the Supreme Court ruled that even expressly counseling draft resistance was protected speech. The connection between the political moment and the outcome of these cases is unmistakable.

Another useful football metaphor is “the red zone.” That’s when one team has the ball inside the 20-yard line of the other team. Big things are likely to happen when a team is in the red zone, but whether this will be good or bad depends on which team you’re on. I can’t help feeling that Trump is in the red zone when it comes to immigration. He has promised to deport millions of undocumented immigrants and thinks he has the mandate to do so. We’ll see if he does.

It will be a shock to many in the new Trump administration that non-citizens – even unlawful immigrants – have Constitutional rights. The Fifth Amendment says that “No person shall … be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.” Notice that these rights are not limited to citizens, or even those non-citizens lawfully here. Aliens physically present in the United States, regardless of their legal status, are regarded as persons guaranteed due process of law.

Despite some small movement in the line of scrimmage, the Supreme Court has usually ruled that aliens are entitled to a hearing before being deported at which they must receive an explanation of the reasons proposed for their removal, have the assistance of counsel, introduce evidence and cross-examine witnesses, and appeal an unfavorable ruling. If we are a nation of laws, these deportation hearings cannot be sham proceedings where nothing matters but the government’s desire to eject the alien.

Trump suggests that he will declare a national immigration emergency — a truly fictional state of affairs — but that kind of declaration is necessary for him to use military resources for the detention and removal processing of aliens. He may use other fictional reasons to override the due process rights of detained aliens, believing that the political moment strengthens his hand.

I think the new administration will run into significant trouble in the courts if it tries to bulldoze civil liberty using overheated rhetoric and a false narrative. One or two examples of criminal aliens don’t make the case that we have been invaded. And I believe the American people will not lend political support to peremptory or cruel treatment of immigrants. We will throw a flag for unnecessary roughness.













Trump Threatens Birthright Citizenship

Donald Trump is back. And this time he will have a compliant Congress and a whole roster of willing Cabinet ministers. The first thing Trump promises to do — after upending international trade with tariffs — is to deport millions of immigrants. If this did not promise to be both tragic and harmful to the economy, I would feel like making a big bowl of popcorn, pulling up a chair and watching the whole debacle.

There is no question that we need to get control of our borders and reform our immigration system. If we purport to be a country of laws, then our immigration laws need to be enforceable. While I don’t subscribe to Trump’s racist and otherwise offensive reasons for deporting people, orderly immigration is an important goal. But equally so are the need to buttress our dwindling working age population and our national responsibility to behave with grace and compassion.

Listening to interviews of people who cross our borders illegally at great peril to themselves, one is struck by the ordinariness of their motivation. They just want to live more prosperous, secure lives. I’ll wager that any of our ancestors who came here voluntarily had the same motivation.

A part of the anti-immigration effort Trump promises is to eliminate birthright citizenship. This is the legal principle that if a child is born in the United States, she is a citizen of this country regardless of the citizenship or immigration status of her parents. More than thirty countries, including Canada and Mexico, recognize birthright citizenship. Others in Western Europe do not. They require at least one parent of the child to be a citizen.

Trump says birthright citizenship is a magnet for illegal immigration. He has threatened to use an executive order to eliminate it once he assumes office. There is one problem. Birthright citizenship is not a government policy that can be changed with an executive order, or even a law Congress can repeal or modify. The Constitution itself establishes this type of citizenship.

After the Civil War, the United States ratified several constitutional amendments designed to clarify the status of formerly enslaved people. Among these was the Fourteenth Amendment, which states “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States.” This is clear enough. The only possible ambiguity relates to the second clause regarding being subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.

Far right immigration opponents like John Eastman have urged Trump to declare by executive order that children born to illegal immigrants are not subject to the complete jurisdiction of the United States because they are not lawfully here and still theoretically owe allegiance to a foreign sovereign. Recall that Eastman, the criminally indicted and disbarred lawyer, was the one who came up with the theory that Mike Pence could simply refuse to certify the results of the 2020 election.

Of course, no established precedent or once-secure right seems safe with the current Supreme Court. But in the case of United States v. Wong Kim Ark, decided in 1898, the Court established that the Fourteenth Amendment creates birthright citizenship even for the children of non-citizen residents. The case arose while federal Chinese exclusion legislation was in force. The government argued that Wong Kim Ark, although born in San Francisco, was the child of two Chinese non-citizen parents who were subjects of the Chinese emperor making him also a subject of the emperor. He was thus not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, or so the argument went.

But the Supreme Court wasn’t buying this argument. It ruled, with two exceptions not relevant to today’s immigration debate, that anyone born within the territorial boundaries of the United States and residing here was “subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.” The jurisdiction of a country within its territorial boundaries is complete. So our “jurisdiction” applies to children born to illegal aliens — they are required to pay our taxes and are subject to criminal penalty for failure to comply with our laws like the rest of us.

It is hard to imagine West Virginians with serious concern about the practical effect of immigration on their lives, lawful or unlawful. In 2023, there were 32,309 foreign-born people in West Virginia, which is about 1.8% of the state’s population. This is lower than the national average of 14.3%. As a recent article in The Wall Street Journal put it, “there is little evidence that many recent immigrants – either those who entered legally or those who didn’t – have any inclination to go to West Virginia, the only state with fewer residents than it had in 1940.”

The same article pointed out that West Virginia has one of the two lowest labor-force participation rates in the country, while having the second highest rate of job openings and the fourth-highest rate of vacant housing. In other states eldercare is provided disproportionately by immigrants. And the National Association of Home Builders reports that while our native-born workers remain reluctant to join the industry, one in three craftsmen in the construction trades come from outside the U.S. Don’t we need more workers to care for our elderly and build our homes?

Other states with workforce problems like West Virginia’s and an aging population are trying to recruit immigrants. Maine’s government has a dedicated office to welcome and support immigrants. Utah has extended in-state college tuition to refugees, asylum seekers and other migrant groups.

But reason and good public policy don’t seem to matter as much these days as the appeal to emotion. The Trump juggernaut is set to roll. It’s just that when it comes to West Virginia, don’t count on good things happening from the President-elect’s attack on immigration and birthright citizenship.

Coal Baron Jim Justice Vetoes Modest Solar Bill

Nothing shows how desperately West Virginia needs a change than Jim Justice’s veto of HB 5528. Coal fuels 92% of West Virginia’s electric generation, while renewable solar energy is responsible for less than 2%. HB 5528 would have made a modest increase in the amount of solar allowed under West Virginia law. But, according to Justice, the veto was necessary to protect coal. Seriously?

West Virginia has a tiny Renewable Energy Facilities Program administered by the Public Service Commission. This Program was enacted into law because modern businesses that consider locating in this state often require a portion of the electricity that they purchase come from renewable sources.

The Program allows electric utilities to develop solar generating facilities of up to 50 megawatts, with expansions limited to 50 megawatt increments. The Program places an absolute limit of 400 megawatts state-wide on solar facilities.

Just for comparison, the coal-fired John Amos plant at Winfield in Putnam County is rated at 2,933 megawatts.  In 2021, it emitted 12.6 million tons of carbon dioxide, and from 2012 to 2021, it emitted 132 million tons.

HB 5528 was sponsored by six Republicans, including the Chair of the powerful Energy and Manufacturing committee, and three Democrats. All it proposed to do was raise the 50-megawatt limits in facility size and incremental growth to 100 megawatts each, hardly a threat to coal. It also eliminated the 2025 sunset provision for the Program.

Governor Justice’s veto message to lawmakers is typical of his fuzzy thinking. While admitting he has advocated for “all-of-the-above” energy choices, he further claimed that “it is very important that we not cripple our great coal-fired energy industry in the process.”

Just exactly what does the coal industry in West Virginia amount to now? In 2022, only 10,219 people were working in the industry, as opposed to 644,784 in all West Virginia jobs. The industry has declined in importance to the state steadily since the 1950s. This is because of cheaper alternative fuels like natural gas and market forces that prefer cleaner burning fuel.

The coal industry will continue to be an important source of severance tax revenue for the state, but the carbon pollution burning coal creates involves health costs to our citizens that are not considered in this revenue calculation. Health impacts can range from asthma and breathing difficulties to brain damage, heart problems, cancer, neurological disorders, and premature death. At best, coal is a mixed blessing.

West Virginia already produces more electricity from coal than any other state in America. This activity adds greenhouse gasses to the atmosphere by the millions of tons and harms our health. Coal is simply not an industry worth protecting any more. Our elected officials need to get the message. Isn’t it time we fix it? The solution is to look carefully at which candidates for office are sympathetic to a climate imperative.

West Virginia’s Orphan Well Problem

Carbon dioxide is by far the largest contributor to climate change, and it comes from recognizable fossil fuel sources such as coal-burning utilities, and automobile tailpipes. Carbon dioxide persists in the atmosphere for hundreds of years, making the climate change it causes not just a current problem, but a future one as well.

But experts say that methane (CH4) is a bigger problem than carbon dioxide (CO2).  While methane dissipates naturally after about 100 years, its pound for pound impact is 25 times greater than carbon dioxide in trapping heat reflected from the Earth’s surface.

Agriculture, including raising of cattle for human consumption and management of animal wastes, is the single largest source of methane. Natural gas and petroleum systems are the second largest source. The U.S. oil and gas industry emits more methane than the total emissions of greenhouse gases from 164 countries combined. These emissions come from leaks in the production and transmission infrastructure, and from leaking unplugged abandoned wells.

Drilling Down on Gas Wells

Oil and gas drilling in West Virginia has been ongoing for 140 years. A huge number of wells were drilled and then abandoned before anyone noticed or cared. While the WV Department of Environmental Protection estimates there are 6,500 orphaned wells in the state, that doesn’t account for the tens of thousands of undocumented wells the West Virginia Geological Survey estimates are scattered throughout our hills and valleys.

Neither orphaned nor abandoned wells produce oil or gas. Abandoned wells still have a solvent owner, while orphaned wells do not, often because the operator has gone out of business. In that case, the responsibility of plugging and remediating these wells falls to the state – and to us as taxpayers.

The Biden Administration’s massive Infrastructure Act provides for funding the orphan well problem. West Virginia will receive $25 million in a first tranche, which should be sufficient to plug 160 of the worst problem wells. We can qualify for more later. All this money is to be used to plug existing orphaned wells, but we are on our own when it comes to preventing future orphans.

Future orphan wells are certain to be created because of the economic structure of the industry. There are 3,163 “producing” wells in West Virginia, those that are producing enough to fund proper upkeep. When those wells near the end of their useful life they are often sold to operators lower on the food chain, who strip the final production capacity from them. There are estimated to be 55,823 “stripper” wells in West Virginia. They produce so little that the operator keeps them alive, sometimes for many years, to avoid clean-up costs.

And the clean-up costs for plugging a well are substantial. The DEP estimates the cost for hiring a contractor to plug a well with concrete to a significant depth is about $125,000. When depleted wells are transferred from the big solvent operators to the marginal ones, the plugging obligation is also transferred. To get a permit to operate a stripper well, the new operator merely needs to obtain a bond worth $5,000. This makes the economic choice starkly in favor of abandoning the well at the end of its life and forfeiting the bond, rather than undertaking the proper plugging.

Why Can’t the Legislature Fix This? 

Bills to adjust the economic incentives for an operator to plug a well have been introduced at the Legislature each of the last six years, but none of them has even made it onto the agenda of the responsible legislative committee.

This year Del. Evan Hansen (Monongalia) and three others have introduced HB 5414, which would condition the issuance of a permit upon the operator either (1) contributing to a plugging escrow fund from out of the cash flow produced by the well, or (2) posting a bond in an amount set by the DEP sufficient to cover the real cost of plugging. Upon its introduction, HB 5414 was assigned to the House Committee on Energy and Manufacturing, where it now sits with no action taken on it.

The Energy and Manufacturing Committee is a powerful House committee chaired by Del. Bill Anderson (Wood). Parkersburg in Wood County is close to the historic center of oil and gas activity in the state. Two other Wood County Delegates sit on the Committee – Bob Fehrenbacher and Scot Heckert.

Instead of putting HB 5414 on the committee’s agenda, Anderson, Fehrenbacher and Heckert have sponsored HB 5076. This bill would exempt operators from the obligation to plug depleted wells “promptly,” as required by law, if they have entered into an agreement with DEP regarding the schedule and details of plugging.  Most importantly, it would eliminate the possibility of lawsuits brought by landowners and other interested persons to enforce the prompt plugging obligation.

And – surprise! – there just happens to be a lawsuit like this pending against Diversified Energy, a large operator of abandoned wells in the state. The lawsuit alleges that Diversified’s business model involves purchasing many low production wells and then delaying its plugging obligation for years to avoid the costs. Whether HB 5076 would end that lawsuit isn’t clear, but it would definitely prevent any future private legal enforcement.

Instead of being stewards of our environment and our groundwater, and protecting the taxpayers of West Virginia, these legislators seem more interested in protecting big gas business. This is a tragedy that, in one form or another, is replayed in this state year after year.

New Energy Jobs Await West Virginia – If We Just Elect the Right Legislators

Anyone who has been to Weirton in the last decade has seen the shuttered steel plant, with its miles of pipelines, squarely in the middle of town. Now there is new life and hope in Weirton thanks to Form Energy’s long-duration battery facility under construction at the steel plant site. Form Energy represents the new energy economy and what is possible for West Virginia.

Form Energy’s batteries harvest and store the electricity created when iron rusts. The long-duration storage batteries can discharge power for about 100 hours, providing needed electric grid stability. The Weirton plant will employ 750 workers in jobs integrated with the energy economy of the future, not in declining fossil fuel industries so typical in West Virginia.

This was a no-brainer for West Virginia, right? Well, no. Politics and downright ignorance conspired to jeopardize the whole deal. The Form Energy story highlights the need for West Virginia voters to elect candidates for office who are sensitive to climate-related issues and who welcome the economic opportunities that are available in the new energy economy.

West Virginia development authorities salivate over practically any potential industrial development. State and local tax credits are liberally used as inducements. The Rockwool plant in Jefferson County is an example. Rockwool’s sweet tax deal breezed through the state’s legislative and regulatory authorities.

Rockwool’s insulation may reduce energy costs, but Rockwool’s operations aren’t a part of the new energy economy. Rockwool uses use natural gas, which isn’t a “clean” fuel no matter what anyone says. Burning natural gas produces 117 pounds of CO₂ per million BTUs (compared with 200 for coal) and is responsible for much of the country’s methane pollution through leaks and accidents.

Yet the Form Energy deal was not as easily accomplished as the one for Rockwool. It required a legislative act to create a supplemental appropriation of $105 million to the state Economic Development Authority. No new taxes were necessary because of available surplus tax revenues from the previous year. Still it was opposed by some legislators.

HB 2882 was introduced in the West Virginia House of Delegates to authorize the supplemental appropriation. This bill passed the House by a vote of 69-25. Del. Bill Ridenour (R-Jefferson) frustrated climate activists and most of his Republican colleagues by voting No.

In the Senate critics questioned the use of taxpayer funds to support a “green energy” company. Sen. Rupie Phillips (R-Logan) called the deal a “pig with lipstick.” He argued that coal severance taxes supported the state’s finances and said, “This is coal money we’re giving to a woke company.” His attitude could be the poster child for self-defeating, extreme ideology.

Some Senators who should know better, such as Patricia Rucker (R-Jefferson), voted No. Other Senators, such as Mike Azinger (R-Wood) and Robert Karnes (R-Upshur), always vote against anything progressive. Nevertheless, HB 2882 passed the Senate 21-13 and was signed by Governor Justice.

In late 2022, Berkshire Hathaway Corporation announced a solar-powered micro-grid facility in Jackson County that will use renewable energy to run an aerospace industry manufacturing plant. This plant will be located in the long-shuttered Ravenswood aluminum plant.

Other manufacturing plants attracted to the site by the clean power available through the micro-grid are expected. A drive past the Berkshire Hathaway Ohio River site, now under construction, reveals a jaw-dropping scope. A similar sense is created by seeing the size of the Black Rock wind power project in Grant and Mineral counties.

Young West Virginians searching for a reason to stay in the state need look no further than career opportunities in the new energy economy. There is a bright future for our state if it embraces clean-energy technologies during the painful winding down of our coal and gas economy. This can only be done if policymakers in the Legislature and the executive branch get on board. It is our job as voters to ensure they do.

What Is Governing, and What Is Not

In late September we were treated to a show by the far-right Chaos Caucus of the Republican Party led by Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene. This nearly devolved into an actual government shutdown, causing misery among people who depend on government employment. Columnist David Brooks – himself a conservative Republican — called Gaetz and his group nihilistic performance artists.

What is motivating these disrupters? The charitable explanation is that they sought some policy objective they couldn’t achieve in the normal way, although their objective changed from day to day and was never well explained. The less charitable explanation is that they sought nothing more than camera time. A recent piece in The Wall Street Journal pointed out that Gaetz’s audience and priorities are different than the rank and file Republican, “Gaetz is going for attention, TV interviews, fundraising.”

In early October a subset of disrupters caused the removal of Speaker Kevin McCarthy for committing the sin of working with Democrats to pass bi-partisan funding legislation. This is the first time in our history a Speaker has been removed. Perhaps McCarthy deserved it because his word has been like sand between your fingers.  But the whole episode suggests that House Republicans can’t even govern themselves, much less help with governing the nation.

It is remarkable that the Democrats in the House are not the target of the obstructionists. It is their own party. Most Republican House members, including their leaders, didn’t want to shut down the government because they knew there would be a political price to pay and their party would pay it. And most in the House Republican caucus are furious with Gaetz and his disrupters for upending McCarthy.

It seems like any positive legislative proposal these days must endure a gauntlet filled with warlords and highwaymen ready to exact a ransom. We can all agree that obstructionist grandstanding and political extortion is not governing. But what type of governing behavior do we have a right to expect from elected officials of both parties?

The answer is squarely in front of us. This country is supposed to operate on majoritarian principles. The exceptions are the minority protections carved out in the Bill of Rights and the design of the U.S. Senate, which gives tiny states the same representation as enormous ones.

Legislation should move, or not move, based on whether there is a majority of legislators supporting it. The House of Representatives has 435 members, while the Chaos Caucus is only 10 representing a mere 2% of the population. If a legislator isn’t in the majority on an issue, then her task is to persuade others to change their views, not throw a wrench into the works because she can’t get her way.

Political hostage taking and obstructionism is simply not acceptable governing behavior. Temper tantrums should get no respect.

The hostage taking is not limited to the House of Representatives. It is also taking place in the Senate and even in the Jefferson County Commission.  Republican Senator Tommy Tuberville has held up 300 military promotions for weeks because he is trying to force a policy change at the Pentagon. Tuberville, of course, can’t claim to be governing. Nobody thinks his one-man blockade is a great idea and his own party will soon put a stop to it.

The extortionists and performance artists on the national stage have gotten so much attention that now some Jefferson County Commissioners have copied their behavior. Two out of four Commissioners showed up for business at the September 21, 28 and October 5 meetings. The other two – Tricia Jackson and Jennifer Krouse – made themselves absent to deny the Commission a quorum. They claimed this was in protest of an abuse of power by Commission President Stolipher, who failed to put two items on the agenda they wanted. No County business was transacted because Jackson and Krouse didn’t get their way. That was really mature, wasn’t it?

Good governance can’t be defined by referring to a particular policy outcome, say tightened border security or the enactment of an environmental law. Historically, the policy objectives of both the left and the right have been achieved through good governance. That is because good governance is a process, not a particular outcome. It is about respect for institutions. Good governance is building, not destroying. It is about persuasion and coalition building, not extortion.

Earth to Bill Ridenour . . . Come in Please!

When the curtain rose on the most recent legislative redistricting map in 2021, a new District 100 had been created for the House of Delegates here in the Eastern Panhandle. Many were surprised to find that reliably liberal Shepherdstown had been joined to reliably conservative Shannondale. I wouldn’t want to guess which neighborhood is less comfortable with this shotgun marriage.

In the 2022 election for delegate from the new District 100, the Republicans ran Bill Ridenour and the Democrats ran Susan Benzinger. Neither had ever served in elective office before. In his campaign flyer, Ridenour made the remarkable claim that “our rights are God given not derived from any government.” Our Founding Fathers and the countless state representatives who voted to ratify our Bill of Rights would be dumbstruck to hear this.

Regrettably the Founding Fathers couldn’t vote in our 2022 election, which is perhaps why Ridenour won out over Benzinger. Less than half of Jefferson County’s eligible voters actually cast ballots. The predictable left/right pattern of precincts played out. Benzinger beat Ridenour 347 to 46 in Shepherdstown at Trinity Church —  precinct 33, while Ridenour beat Benzinger 520 to 249 in Blue Ridge Acres — precinct 17. This balance in District 100 is key to my point, so hold the thought.

Ridenour has turned out to be the most extreme right-wing legislator any county sent to Charleston. It’s not even close. For example, he sponsored a bill to remove the requirement that children be vaccinated before attending public schools and another to eliminate all inspections of motor vehicles. Most outrageous of all Ridenour sponsored legislation that would have declared some of the knuckleheads who invaded our national Capitol on January 6, 2021 to be “political prisoners.” He couldn’t get a single other Republican to join with him in sponsoring that bill. If Ridenour thinks any of these proposed bills would be supported by a majority of voters in District 100, he does not have his feet planted firmly on this planet.

How can Ridenour justify behaving this way, particularly as a delegate from a balanced District 100? There are a number of theories for how an elected representative should function. One, the “delegate” model, holds that an elected representative should act as the agent of his constituency, voting as if under instruction to do or not do certain things. Another is the “trustee” model, which holds that voters elect a representative to use his best judgment on what is good for them, regardless of whether they would agree with him on that particular matter. An example would be voting for a President’s budget for the overall good of the country, even though it involves the closure of a military base in the representative’s home district.

But even more basically, wouldn’t Ridenour have to demonstrate that District 100 voters chose him because he intended to propose the legislation and vote as he has? A candidate can and should be specific as to what he will try to do, what problems he intends to fix, and what advances he hopes to make. Then if the candidate wins a substantial majority of the votes uniformly in his district, he can comfortably say that voters gave him a mandate to do those things. Ridenour’s campaign materials don’t give us a clue that he intended to occupy the fringe of policy, even within the Republican party, and he made very few public appearances during the campaign.

When a delegate doesn’t have a mandate from the voters — either because he wasn’t clear what he would do on the issues of the day, or because he didn’t receive a large percentage of the votes throughout the district — then he isn’t functioning either as a delegate or a trustee. He is rogue.

Ridenour should stop behaving as if the legislature is a private playground to act out his fantasies about libertarian policy and governance. Yes, elections have consequences and he won the election, but behaving as if “winner takes all” in disregard of at least 45% of the voters is frankly what is wrong with our politics today. A little more humility and appreciation of views that don’t align with his own is called for. It would be great if voters in District 100 could feel they have a delegate who represents all of them. Sadly, that is not the case.

West Virginia Has Always Been for Sale. Why Should Now be Different?

West Virginia has had one long history of selling valuable natural resources and public lands to commercial interests. When the dust settles from these transactions and they can be viewed without the hyped rhetoric of the moment, we often conclude that the price has been ridiculously low and the damage to our natural heritage catastrophic. In other words, we deeply regret them. The state was once covered with first growth hardwood forests. These are now gone. The southern Appalachians represent a unique biosphere of plants and animals. This is now threatened by mountaintop removal and other practices on lands owned by coal companies purchased on the cheap a century ago.

Isn’t there is always some enticing narrative that makes the sale of our natural heritage seem attractive? Sometimes the narrative is as simple as cash on the barrelhead for poor and unsophisticated mountain people. Now the narrative is to make way for a hydrogen hub — an industrial complex that will use West Virginia natural gas to produce “blue hydrogen,” the holy grail of clean energy. That hydrogen hub would be right here in West Virginia! And it will create many jobs! And the state’s economy will improve! And so on, and so on. Shouldn’t we have a hangover from this kind of talk by now?

The problem is that the process of creating blue hydrogen from methane frees carbon dioxide, the greenhouse gas causing climate change.  We’ll have to dispose of that carbon dioxide somewhere. Guess where? The West Virginia Legislature has just provided the answer in yet another example of short-sighted behavior right as the 2022-2023 session opened. SB 161 and SB 162 authorize the Department of Natural Resources to auction off “pore space” underlying state forests, natural and scenic areas and wildlife management areas. Pore space is defined elsewhere in the code as underground natural or manmade cavities. Only a last-minute amendment saved state park land from this pore space auction.

What could possibly go wrong with selling empty space underneath environmentally sensitive state-owned land? Quite a bit. The requirements for obtaining a permit to sequester carbon are contained in legislation passed last year but obviously geared to the use of existing gas and oil wells for that purpose.  Creating a manmade cavity solely for the purpose of carbon sequestration is something completely new. Nothing restrains the DNR from complete discretion as to the scientific or economic soundness of the project contemplated by the bidder. The only thing the statute requires for a successful bid is the highest price.

Have we learned our lesson from earlier sales of the public patrimony? No, we most certainly have not. Carbon capture and storage technology is currently unproven at commercial scale.  Nevertheless SB 161 and SB 162 zoomed through the Senate bypassing consideration in any committee, receiving no public comment and without advance posting of the text on the Legislature’s website for public review. The only thing that could justify this anti-democratic behavior is fear of a public backlash.

The Charleston Gazette has reported that an unnamed source said the legislation is aimed at a single company with a carbon sequestration plan in order to secure its investment in West Virginia. But the existing legislation from last year already allows a company to purchase privately held land for the purpose of carbon sequestration. Evidently this is not compliant enough with the needs of this unnamed company. The availability of sensitive public lands, which have only one owner, is necessary. So West Virginia has rolled over like a warm puppy.

I am all in favor of new technology to minimize greenhouse gasses and preserve the environment.  I am not in favor of throwing over all caution about sensitive public lands for a speculative benefit the dimensions of which cannot now be measured, particularly without the searching public inquiry generally required for things of this nature. But it is ever thus in West Virginia. What we need is a public advocate for the environment much like a guardian functions for a minor who cannot speak for herself. We just can’t depend on the Legislature for this.

It Is Time to End the Filibuster

To be elected Governor of West Virginia, a candidate needs one more vote than his opponent.  This is majority rule at its most basic.  Majority rule is also a bedrock principle in our federal system.   Accordingly, a bill in the U.S. Senate brought to a vote needs only 51 votes out of 100 Senators to pass.  But today the legislative process in the Senate – indeed in all of Congress — has ground to a halt.  We cannot address the compelling issues of the day in a way that a majority of voters demand.  What has happened to us?

The answer is painful.  We have allowed the filibuster, a procedural rule not found in the Constitution or any law, to require proponents to have a supermajority of 60 votes before most legislation in the Senate can pass.  This means that those opposing action need only a minority of Senators to block progress.  And since any bill passed by the House of Representatives also requires passage by the Senate to become law, the minority that rules the Senate rules the Congress.  While the filibuster has existed in the Senate since the mid-19th Century, only in the 21st Century has it been converted to a tool of relentless obstructionism in the entire Congress.

The Constitution Requires Only a Simple Majority to Pass a Bill

The Articles of Confederation, which existed before the Constitution, were a failure in large part because they required a supermajority of nine states out of thirteen to take any significant action. As a result, the federal government could not finance itself or make critical decisions for the nation’s defense and development.  Our Constitution was intended to remedy the deficiencies in the Articles of Confederation.

While the Framers of the Constitution disagreed about many things, the importance of majority rule was not one of them.  The requirement of a simple majority is not expressly spelled out in the Constitution, but two principles of construction support it.  Article I, Section 7 establishes that a bill becomes law when it is “passed” by the House and the Senate and signed by the President.  In 1789 majority rule was already established in the British Parliament.  Those who ratified the Constitution would certainly have understood “passed” to mean passed by a majority vote.  In Federalist 22, Hamilton called majority rule the fundamental maxim of republican government and argued that minority veto power would lead to “tedious delays, continual negotiation and intrigue and contemptible compromises of the public good.”  This is an apt description of today’s Senate.

During the Constitutional Convention, a proposal was made to require a supermajority for the passage of bills in Congress.  It was rejected.  The only exceptions were for special circumstances, such as impeachment and overcoming a Presidential veto.  Obviously, the Framers knew how and when to impose a higher bar for action when they felt it advisable.  Their silence on the number of votes necessary to “pass” normal legislation is telling.

A Short History of the Filibuster 

The Constitution bestows on the Senate the right to make its own procedural rules.  From 1789 to 1806 Senate rules allowed debate to be ended by majority vote on a motion called “the previous question.” In 1806 – by mistake – the Senate omitted that rule from its procedures, leaving no way to cut off excessive debate.  It was not restored in subsequent years because Senators favored full debate without limitation.  But there was always an understanding among Senators that when debate had been fully aired a vote would be taken and a simple majority of votes would prevail.

The original filibusters involved a Senator holding the floor continuously, much as in the movie Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.  But talking a bill to death did not begin until the 1840s.  There were few of these filibusters compared to today and they were limited to issues of high passion and import, mainly slavery.  In 1917 opponents of entering WWI filibustered legislation permitting the arming of merchant ships.  The public was outraged, leading to adoption of Senate rule 22 allowing debate to be closed by a vote of two-thirds of Senators present on the floor.  It now requires three-fifths of the entire body (60 votes).  In this way a minority of 41 Senators can kill a piece of legislation.  Routinely this minority of Senators represent a minority of the population.

The Filibuster Became the Favorite Tool of Slave Owners, Racists and Opponents of Civil Rights

The filibuster’s soiled reputation is primarily the result of its shameful use by Southern Senators to protect the institution of slavery, then to protect Jim Crow laws and practices in the South, then to oppose civil rights legislation.  Today it is being used by much the same group to oppose voting rights legislation.

Senator John C. Calhoun of South Carolina was the intellectual architect of the notion that a minority should have a veto over the will of the majority.  In 1828 he developed the concept of nullification by which individual states could decide which federal laws applied to them.   In the 1840s he merged the previously rare filibuster with his argument for protecting minority rights.  He then employed this to oppose any measure that even remotely threatened slavery.  In Kill Switch, author Bruce Jentleson described Calhoun succinctly.

Calhoun was the foremost political leader of the closest thing America had to an aristocracy, deriving his power from the support from the planter class of the antebellum South.  By using that power to protect slavery he prolonged the suffering of the most oppressed minority imaginable.

But the racially oppressive use of the filibuster didn’t end with the abolition of slavery.  In 1922 Southern Senators filibustered and killed legislation making lynching a federal crime.  This was the start of their calculated obstruction of all civil rights bills.  Thereafter Southern Senators organized themselves into a bloc that would regularly meet to map out filibuster strategy.  They successfully filibustered anti-poll tax bills four times in the 1940s.  They blocked fair employment practices legislation in the 40s and 50s.  Their opposition to the 1964 Civil Rights Act led to a two-month filibuster.  This is a short list – there is much more.

Those Senators who defend the filibuster today with high-sounding principles are the heirs of this disgrace.  Their justifications are based on a false alternative history.   In truth the filibuster exists now solely to benefit the minority of the population who elect this minority of Senators. 

Defenders of the Filibuster are Wrong

There are many reasons given by defenders of the filibuster.  Here are the major ones. The Senate has the Constitutional right to make its own rules, even a rule that requires a supermajority. The filibuster is a tradition of the Senate, preserving free speech and debate.  It protects small states from being overwhelmed by large ones.  It protects minority interests from being overwhelmed by the majority.  It permits tempering of hasty, ill-advised legislation sent over from the more democratically elected House.  And finally, it promotes bipartisanship.  All are unpersuasive and easily exposed.

What really motivates Senators who defend the filibuster these days is political power.  In their important book Politics or Principle? Filibustering in the United States Senate, Sarah Binder and Steven Smith show convincingly that filibuster Senators are not motivated by bipartisanship, protecting minority rights and free speech, or any of the other neutral principles commonly asserted.

Senate rules protecting Senate debate have lasted . . . because the rules serve as a foundation of senators’ personal political power. Senators’ positions on procedural reform follow predictably from their political interests.

The current filibuster Senators enhance their political power by satisfying their constituency’s negative partisanship – stopping what their Democratic opposition wishes to accomplish.  The voters represented by these Senators, while a minority nationwide, are the strongest opponents of social change in the nation – the same political profile owned by Calhoun’s antebellum constituency.  In Kill Switch, Jentleson cites research concluding that the “voters and interests on whose behalf Republican senators wield power represent a reactionary faction far to the right of the American mainstream” and that they are “one of the farthest right factions in any modern democracy worldwide.”

It is true that the Senate can make its own procedural rules, but this cannot mean that in so doing it can nullify other Constitutional principles.  For example, the Senate could not adopt a procedural rule that says states with fewer than 2 million inhabitants (West Virginia included) can only have one vote in the Senate on major legislation.  The Senate could not adopt a procedural rule that only bills passed by the House with substantial bipartisan support will be considered by the Senate.  A procedural rule is only that. It cannot shift the substantive balance created by the Constitution.

The argument that the filibuster protects free speech and debate is laughable.  Perhaps once filibustering Senators who read the phone book on the Senate floor as part of their debate might make that argument.  Now the filibuster protects no debate – it prevents debate.  To commence a filibuster a Senator merely must send an email indicating he intends to filibuster.  He is not required to show up or speak a single word on the Senate floor.  He is not required to persuade anyone of the merits of his views.

Supporters of the filibuster claim that it protects smaller states from being swamped by the power of states with larger populations.  The Framers of the Constitution considered this risk and their solution was to give each state two Senators regardless of population.  That was it.  This already gives small population states an outsized power in the Senate.  For example, a vote from a Senator from Wyoming is cast on behalf of only 573,900 people.  A Senator from California casts a vote on behalf of 39,467,000 people.  And empirically it is not true that small state Senators use the filibuster disproportionately to protect their states from the power of larger states.  In a 70-year period studied by the authors of Politics or Principle? small state Senators voted to cut off filibusters as often as large state Senators.

Finally, there is the canard that retaining the filibuster somehow promotes bipartisanship.  Senator Kyrsten Sinema has recently said that the way to fix the Senate is to “fix your behavior, not to eliminate the rules or change the rules, but to change the behavior.”  Whose behavior?  The Republicans certainly aren’t changing theirs while the filibuster is in place.  Senator Mitch McConnell told reporters in Kentucky that “one hundred percent of our focus is stopping this new administration.”  His “bipartisanship” apparently has nothing to do with whether a majority of voters – Democratic, Independent and Republican – favor a bill.  Bipartisanship in this age of the filibuster amounts to the minority party requiring huge concessions from the majority if there is to be legislation at all.

The Sad Case of Senator Joe Manchin

Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia is a good man in a tough spot, but he has painted himself into a corner and made it much worse for himself.  Manchin, who vows to protect the filibuster, is one of its poster-child victims — he among all others should know the corrosive effect the filibuster has on democracy.

In 2013 Manchin and Republican Pat Toomey co-sponsored a bill in response to the Newtown, Connecticut massacre of first graders.  The bill set up a reasonable system of background checks for gun purchases, which nine out of ten Americans supported.  Manchin and Toomey lined up broad bipartisan support from 55 Senators.  But there was no great debate on the Senate floor, just quiet failure in an empty chamber.  The bill was defeated by 45 Senators, who represented just 38% of the American public.    In a democratic system that functions, this bill would have passed.  More recently, Manchin reacted in anger when 45 feckless Republican Senators killed the January 6 Commission bill.

In a June 6 op-ed piece, Manchin offered two basic reasons why he will not vote to eliminate or weaken the filibuster.  One is based in the principle that the filibuster prevents abuse by the majority party.  “The Senate, its processes and rules, have evolved over time to make absolute power difficult while still delivering solutions to the issues facing our country and I believe that’s the Senate’s best quality.” But the Senate filibuster most certainly did not evolve for this high purpose and, as for delivering solutions, ask the parents of the murdered Newtown children.  Not even Manchin can argue that legislative action in the Senate is robust and effective.

Manchin’s second reason is not principled.  He points out that the Democrats who now want to eliminate the filibuster sought its protection when Republicans controlled Congress and the Presidency.  More than a claim that Democrats are hypocritical, the argument is that if we do it to them now, they will do it to us later.  This is, of course, true to some extent but we need to look ourselves in the mirror and decide whether this is a democracy or not.  If it is, then the remedy for Republican overreach is defeating them at the polls, not with some bogus Senate procedural rule.

I have heard the lament that if Democrats eliminate the filibuster and pass the For the People Act and other progressive legislation, Republicans will simply repeal them with a majority vote when they take power again.  Obamacare has shown this is easier said than done.  But I would suggest that it is better to have legislated and suffered a repeal than never to have legislated at all.  In Federalist 22, Hamilton wrote that requiring a supermajority for legislative action might give us the false sense that nothing bad will be done, but “we forget how much good may be prevented, and how much ill may be produced, by the power of hindering that which is necessary.”